Tuesday, February 8, 2022

General RPG Valentines 5

My friend Ecclesiastes and my sister are always deserving of many thanks for the incalculably many and important acts of assistance they provide to make my rants the best they can be, but at no time of the year is this appreciation more deserved than my Valentine rant.  You 2 honestly have done more for this series of rants than I have, and there's no better day of the year to say that I love you both.  Thanks bundles for always helping me out with the creation of these stupid things that I so greatly and strangely enjoy.

I love Valentine's Day.  Always have, always will.  But in spite of my affection for the holiday, I'm still gonna insult its honor by associating the following images with it.  And because it's the second month of the 2022, we're celebrating with 22 Valentines today instead of the standard 20.  Because that makes a huge difference.  Enjoy!

And of course, much though I love Valentine's Day, I also love being a curmudgeonly grump.  So, as always, to go with our earnest RPG professions of love and affection, here are a few RPG expressions of...less tender feelings.


  1. +1 for Threads of Fate.

    Ike, Forrest, Volfred, Jensen, and Shadow win this year, but every reference I recognize is fun. Kevin is one big oof as always. Keep this up, and eventually you'll be using 4 point font for his setups.

    1. Always gratifying to know you enjoy, sir. Also a little relieving - Kevin this year is sort of sharing his Worst Valentine Possible status with Activision-Blizzard rather than just being star of his own horrible show, so it's good that your first reaction isn't displeasure at that fact. He'll be back to the ultimate anti-Valentine solo act next year, of course; there's still plenty of angles with which to work the abusive masterpiece that is Kevin.

  2. I want an anitvalentine for N.F.T.s. Fuck N.F.T.s, art should be fungiblee!

    1. I actually did consider incorporating the NFT issue in this year, but somehow, it feels like a random tiny unseen niche geek blog's dumbest annual post is still more validation than NFTs deserve.

  3. Oh hey, Volfred. Been awhile since I've thought about you. Should probably get around to finishing up your plan sometime....It is shameful of me to have TWO Supergiant games without 100% completion, and Hades, while excellent, is probably not gonna happen.
